A Scale Prevention System by Watts® No Salt Required and Non Electric - Like the conventional water softener, The Scalenet uses a treatment medium contained in a standard mineral tank. Water is passed through the medium inside the tank and treated. Unlike Ion exchange softeners, they do not need to be regenerated with salt and they do not need to connected to a drain. They require no sophisticated electronic control system. They are, therefore, much easier to install and set up. No maintenance, electricity, or salt is needed.
The new media-style softener alternatives do not remove calcium and magnesium ions from water (as softeners do) but, rather, they change these hardness minerals from their ionic form to a harmless crystalline form. In this very stable form, calcium and magnesium do not attach to pipes, appliances, and fixture surfaces.
The crystals are so small, in fact, that they are readily rinsed away by the normal flow of water. This technology is often referred to as “template assisted crystallization.”
Watts using ScaleNet™ conditioning anti-scale system - using superior Vortech gravel-free mineral tank, and Clack accessory parts. Ideal for the home. The system comes with a 9" x 35" vessel - with the valve head attached the system produces a flow of 12 gallons per minute. See Specification Sheet for Full details.